GEN 3.1

20-MAR-25WEF 20-MAR-25



The Aeronautical Information Service is provided by ENAIRE, through the División de Información Aeronáutica, ensuring the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the area of its responsibility (see item 2. "Area of responsability").

The service is provided in accordance with the provisions contained in Annex 15, “Aeronautical Information Services”, Doc 8126, “Aeronautical Information Services Manual” (see differences in GEN 1.7) and DOC 10066 PANS AIM. It consists of AIS Headquarters, International NOTAM Office (NOF) and Aeronautical Information Offices (AIO) set up at the aerodromes and the Centralised AIO, integrated into the NOF, for aerodromes in the AENA network.

Postal address:


The service provided by the International NOTAM office is an integrant part of the División de Información Aeronáutica and its hours of operation are H24.

Postal address:


Telephonic Aeronautical Information Service (SIAT) for General Aviation and the Centralised AIO service are also provided by this office.

The Military Aeronautical Information Service office (MILAIS) and the Military NOTAM office (MILNOF) of Ejército del Aire y del Espacio, are an integrant part of the División de Operaciones del Estado Mayor del Aire and is located at the following postal address:



  • División de Operaciones

  • Sección de Espacio Aéreo

  • c/ Romero Robledo, 8

  • 28071 Madrid (SPAIN)


  • TEL: +34-915 032 097

  • FAX: +34-915 034 496


The Aeronautical Information Service is responsible for the collection, verification and dissemination of aeronautical information for the entire territory of the Spanish State and for the airspace over the high seas under the jurisdiction of the State. Service Operation is regulated by the Eighth Book of the Reglamento de la Circulación Aérea, and in what regards to military information by the Eighth Book of the Reglamento de la Circulación Aérea Operativa.


In accordance with ICAO documentation: Doc. 8126 “Aeronautical Information Services”, Annex 15 “Aeronautical Information Services”, and Doc. 7754 “Air Navigation Plan, EUR Region”, chapter VII, AIS-ESPAÑA provides aeronautical information in the form of “Integrated Aeronautical Information Package”, which is composed of the following elements:

3.1.- Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP-ESPAÑA)

Contains information of a permanent nature as well as temporary information of long duration (at least one year). The manual is provided in bilingual edition (Spanish / English) and the information is kept up to date by means of an amendment service and supplements to the AIP.

The AIP includes the following parts:

  • GEN General.

  • ENR Air Rules and Air Traffic Services.

  • AD Aerodromes.

The amendment service consists of:

Regular Amendment: Includes information of a permanent nature which comes into force on the date of publication of the amendment; it consists of pages, aeronautical charts and handwritten corrections to be included in the AIP. Regular amendment is issued on the AIRAC effectiveness dates (see item 4), and has a blue-coloured cover and a consecutive and independent serial number.

AIRAC Amendment: Includes pre-arranged information of a permanent nature and operational significance which comes effective at a date later than its publication; it consists of pages and aeronautical charts that must be included in the AIP on the effective date.

The AIRAC amendment is published and comes effective in accordance with the rules of the Regulated AIRAC System (see item 4). Its cover is green-coloured and has a consecutive serial number, that is independent of regular amendment numbering, and based on a yearly calendar basis.

3.2.- AIP Supplements (SUP)

The supplements are issued with the aim to bring the attention of users to temporary changes as well as additional information that affect the information contained in the AIP. Each supplement includes the appropriate references to the part, or parts, concerned of the AIP.

Thus, users are advised to review the supplements currently in force to obtain the latest information regarding the AIP.

There are two types:

  • Regular Supplement: Generally it includes:

    • Temporary changes of long duration (3 months or longer).

    • Temporary information containing extensive texts and/or graphics, even if the duration is less than 3 months.

    • Additional information which, though not specifically enclosed in the AIP, affects in some way the information contained in it (e.g. traffic orientation squemes, contingency routings).

    It is published as long as there is information available and its effective and expiry dates are clearly highlighted. The pages of the regular supplement are issued in yellow colour.

  • AIRAC Supplement: Includes pre-arranged information of a temporary nature and of operational significance that requires extensive texts and/or explanatory graphics. The AIRAC supplement is published and comes effective in accordance with the Regulated AIRAC System (see item 4). The pages of the AIRAC supplement are issued in pink colour.

Both types of supplements are allocated with a common and consecutive numbering based on a yearly calendar basis.

3.3.- Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC)

It contains information that does not qualify for promulgation in AIP, NOTAM or SUP but is of interest to aircraft operations. Circulars mainly anticipate long term changes in the legislation, regulation, procedures, etc; as well as advise and clarify information about the safety of flights, legislation, technical aspects and administrative matters.

There are two series of circulars:

  • NATIONAL: for national distribution only.

  • INTERNATIONAL: for national and international distribution.

Each series is independent and has a consecutive numbering based on the calendar year.

3.4.- NOTAM and pre-flight information bulletins (PIB)

The NOTAM is issued through the AFTN telecommunications network and in a specific format named “System NOTAM” which permits its automated treatment in data bases.

This publication serves as a fast medium to disseminate urgent and unpredictable information of direct operational significance and, in general, of a temporary nature and short duration. It can also disseminate permanent or temporary long duration information regarding operationally significant changes, when these are made at short notice with no time for an AMDT or SUP to be arranged. Such changes will be replaced, as soon as possible, by AMDT or SUP as necessary.


National and international promulgation of NOTAM is accomplished by the International NOTAM Office (NOF), responsible for verifying and subsequently disseminating the information in NOTAM System format.

The NOTAM are distributed in eight series:




NOTAM referring exclusively to civil airports with H24 hours of operation:

  • Alicante/Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández (LEAL).

  • Barcelona/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat (LEBL).

  • Girona (LEGE).

  • Gran Canaria (GCLP).

  • Madrid/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas (LEMD).

  • Málaga/Costa del Sol (LEMG).

  • Palma de Mallorca (LEPA).

  • Santiago/Rosalía de Castro (LEST)

  • Tenerife Sur (GCTS).

  • Valencia (LEVC).

  • Vitoria (LEVT).


Rest of NOTAM not included in definition of A, D, E, F, G and R series.


NOTAM with the following contents:

  • Navigation warnings.

  • Airspace reservations.

  • Prohibited, restricted and dangerous areas activity.


NOTAM concerning to nav-aid incidents and radionavigation facilities.


NOTAM referring exclusively to Gibraltar airport (LXGB).


NOTAM concerning exclusively to the time spans in which satellite-based approach and departure procedures are limited and those related to the IRIS service.


Series reserved for the publication of NOTAM which would be numbered after 9999 in their annual series.


NOTAM referring to unmanned aircraft (RPAS) activity at low altitude.

Each series has an independent and consecutive numbering which starts every January 1st with number 0001.


All operational significant changes issued by AIRAC AMDT or SUP are additionally announced by NOTAM. This NOTAM, called “Trigger NOTAM”, is disseminated on the publication date of the AIRAC AMDT or SUP and contains a brief description of the changes, their effective date and a reference to the appropriate AIRAC AMDT or SUP. Trigger NOTAM are included in the Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB), as a reminder of the coming into force of operational significant information.

A “Trigger” remains valid for 14 days after the effective date, regardless of whether it contains permanent changes (AIRAC AMDT) or temporary changes (SUP).

Collective Distribution

International NOTAM Offices as well as international aerodromes originators of SNOWTAM information, shall use the following collective AFTN addresses, in order for their NOTAM and SNOWTAM to be disseminated within Spanish territory:

  1. For NOTAM:
    LEZZNA plus the first two letters of the location indicator

  2. For SNOWTAM:
    LEZZSA of the country of origin.

Pre-flight information bulletins (PIB)

See GEN 3.1 “Pre-flight information service at aerodromes/ heliports”.

3.5.- Checklists and lists of valid NOTAM

For each one of the elements of the Integrated Package there is a checklist to verify the information in force.

Checklists of SUP and the AIP-ESPAÑA are AIP pages included in part GEN 0.3/0.4, whilst the checklist of the AIC constitutes an AIC itself. For the particular case of the NOTAM the checklist is distributed via AFTN in System NOTAM format.

The NOTAM Summary consists in a compilation of NOTAM in force, in plain language. An updated NOTAM Summary is published daily in the web page of Enaire, División de Información Aeronáutica (AIS):

There are eight types of summaries:

  • SERIES A: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series A. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES B: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series B. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES D: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series D. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES E: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series E. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES F: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series F. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES G: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series G. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES P: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series P. Published in Spanish or English language.

  • SERIES R: For international distribution including all NOTAM in force issued of the Series R. Published in Spanish or English language.

3.6.- Sale of publications

3.6.1.- Orders and payment methods

Request and payment of publications will be made through our online store available on the AIS Services section of ENAIRE´s web page.

When for some reason the online store is not available, orders can be requested by email to the following address

See detailed information on the AIS Services section, item distribution and sales, of ENAIRE's web page.

3.6.2.- Prices of publications for the year 2025

With effective date 23rd January 2025, the new price list of publications has been established as detailed below.




PRICE (euros)

AIP-ESPAÑA - Online consultation and download.

Consultation of AIP content, NOTAM, SUP and AIC in force. This service includes the download option.

Free online service

ENAIRE INSIGNIA - Web application

Web application that displays the content of the AIS database in a graphical and interactive format through maps.

Free online service

3.6.3.- Remarks

Additional information on publications available, orders and payment is published annually by AIC.


Information regarding changes of operational significance in facilities, services or procedures that can be envisaged in advance, will be issued through the Regulated AIRAC System as AMDT or SUP to the AIP, according to the specifications of ICAO Annex 15.

This publication system is based on a predetermined internationally agreed schedule of publication and effective dates, at 28 days intervals.

AIS-España will distribute the information 42 days before the effective date with the object of reaching addressees 28 days in advance of such date.

Important changes and new procedures foreseen with enough time will be published 56 days in advance to the effective date (double AIRAC cycle) whenever possible.

AIS will determine, in any case, the time needed to prepare and publish the information depending on its complexity.

Information notified by the AIRAC system will not be changed further for at least 28 days after the indicated effective date, unless the circumstance notified is of a temporary nature and would not persist for the full period.

A “NIL” notification will be issued by NOTAM when no information to be published through the AIRAC system is available.

The following table illustrates the AIRAC publication and effective dates for the year 2025:


































5.1.- Aeronautical Information offices (AIO)

The necessary information for the flight is provided at the AIO of civil aerodromes (except those in the AENA network), as well as at flight plan offices of military aerodromes/heliports. In these offices the different elements of the Integrated Package, relevant charts, and Pre-flight Information Bulletins are available to users. Personal verbal briefings may also be available on request.

For airports in the AENA network, this service is provided by the Centralised AIO, integrated into the International NOTAM Office (NOF).

5.2.- Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)

PIB are produced at the Aeronautical Information Office of each aerodrome (except airports in the AENA network) and consist in a list of current NOTAM, in plain language and ICAO abbreviations, covering selected major traffic air routes or areas determined as per the requirements of users.

Additionally, PIB may also include information which is not to be promulgated by NOTAM, but useful at a local level and of interest to users.

The coverage, presentation and types of PIB depend on the degree of automation and means available at every AIO.

Generally, PIB are provided in two parts:

  1. NAVIGATION WARNINGS: Including information regarding activities in restricted or dangerous areas, military exercises, etc.

  2. GENERAL: Includes information regarding serviceability reports, changes in the procedures, etc.

At all the aerodromes in Aena´s network, Pre-flight Information Bulletins of domestic and international aerodromes may be obtained either through self-briefing terminals or on request placed through the Centralised AIO.


In the “Data Sets” section of the AIP España, sets of digital data are provided in AIXM5 format. You can obtain further information about this format on the website

The terrain data are provided in the georeferenced TIFF format, also known as GeoTIFF (OGC standard). You can obtain further information about this format on the website

Each data sets includes a metadata file with additional information about the contents.

Changes to the data sets files are accomplished by amendments, and are announced on the home pages for the same.

The various data sets shall be gradually completed and their update announced on the front pages of the amendments. The “CHECK LIST FOR THE DATA SETS” is available in the Data Sets section of the AIP where the available data may be consulted at any time and the “USE AND LIMITATIONS ON THE DATA SETS” where their limitations may be also consulted.

You can contact the AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICE with any queries about these data sets.

6.1.- Electronic terrain and obstacle data

Area 1

The terrain data for area 1 can be obtained from the digital terrain model MDT02 provided by the Instituto Geográfico Nacional through the Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG) download center:

The obstacle data for area 1 are available in section ENR 5.4 of this same AIP and as a complete data sets about en-route obstacles. One file is published containing the obstacles in area 1 whose height is 100 m or more over the ground, and it is named according to the amendment of publication.

Not all the data comply with the numerical requirements set out in Annex 15 of ICAO. The data include metadata which allow the degree of compliance with the numerical requirements set out in Annex 15 of ICAO to be evaluated in each case. These metadata should be used in order to determine if the products are fit for their intended use.

Area 2

The terrain data for area 2 can be obtained from the digital terrain model MDT02 provided by the Instituto Geográfico Nacional through the Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG) download center:

The obstacle data for area 2 are available in each section AD 2.10 for each aerodrome of this same AIP. The areas used for compiling the data are indicated in this same section.

The data include metadata which allow the degree of compliance with the numerical requirements set out in Annex 15 of ICAO to be evaluated. These metadata should be used in order to determine if the products are fit for their intended use.

Area 3

Not all the terrain data for area 3 are available. These will be made available gradually and will be announced in the AIP amendments. During the year 2018, Technical Directives for Electronic Terrain and Obstacles Data were approved by Civil Aviation, which will allow the progressive availability of terrain data.

The obstacle data for area 3 are available in each section AD 2.10 for each aerodrome of this same AIP. The areas used for compiling the data are indicated in this same section.

The data include metadata which allow the degree of compliance with the numerical requirements set out in Annex 15 of ICAO to be evaluated. These metadata should be used in order to determine if the products are fit for their intended use.

Area 4

The terrain data for area 4 are available on request from the Aeronautical Information Service provider. Only limited metadata for these data sets are available, which in most cases hinders evaluation of their use. During the year 2018, Technical Directives for Electronic Terrain and Obstacles Data were approved by Civil Aviation, which will allow the progressive availability of terrain data with the required quality.

The obstacle data for area 4 are available in each section AD 2.10 for each aerodrome of this same AIP. The areas used for compiling the data are indicated in this same section.

The data include metadata which allow the degree of compliance with the numerical requirements set out in Annex 15 of ICAO to be evaluated. These metadata should be used in order to determine if the products are fit for their intended use.

Aerodrome obstacle data sets

In the “Data Sets” section of the AIP España, complete data sets of aerodrome/heliport obstacles are provided, covering areas 2, 3 and 4.

One file is published containing all the obstacles considered in item 10 of the section for that aerodrome/heliport, and it is named according to the location indicator and the amendment of publication. In each section AD 2.10, the areas used for compiling the data are indicated.

The obstacle data include metadata which allow the degree of compliance with the numerical requirements set out in Annex 15 of ICAO to be evaluated. These metadata should be used to evaluate whether the data can be used in each specific application.

6.2.- AIP Data Sets

This is distributed into the following publications:

  • Complete airspace data sets: One file is published named according to the amendment of publication, containing the ATS airspaces and the airspaces for special activities, specifically the following types: ATZ, CTA, CTR, D, FIR, FIZ, FRA, P, R, RVSM, TMA, TRA, TSA, UIR.

  • Complete en-route data sets: One file is published containing the routes, route segments, way-points (ICAO type) and air navigation radio aids, and it is named according to the amendment of publication.

  • Complete public aerodrome/heliport data sets: One file is published for each aerodrome/heliport, named according to its location indicator and the amendment of publication, and containing the aerodrome/heliport and the following entities when they are present:

    • Runway/FATO

    • Runway direction

    • Threshold with declared distances

    • TLOF

    • Runway protection area

    • RVR

    • Apron

    • Taxiway

    • Holding position

    • Check point

    • Stand

    • ABN/IBN

    • Hot spot

    • Zone inappropriate for aircraft movements

  • Complete restricted aerodrome/heliport data sets: One file is published containing the restricted aerodromes/heliports, and it is named according to the amendment of publication.

  • Complete temporary aerodrome/heliport data sets: One file is published containing the temporary aerodromes/heliports, and it is named according to the amendment of publication.