NOTE: EST SUP will only be cancelled by NOTAM, SUP or AIP amendment.
c/ Campezo, 1. EDIFICIO 2
Kudos Innovation Campus Las Mercedes
28022 Madrid (ESPAÑA)
NOTE: EST SUP will only be cancelled by NOTAM, SUP or AIP amendment.
The “European Tactical Airlift Program Course 25-1” (ETAP-C 25-1) will take place between 03 March and 14 March 2025 (LIVEX phase) in the AREAs defined below, these AREAs shall be activated by NOTAM 30 days in advance.
In order to make airspace allocation more flexible, the airspace has been divided into seven (7) different areas.
These areas or corridors shall be classified as TRA. Aircraft not participating in the exercise, may only enter the activated areas under ATC clearance provided by the ATS agency in charge of providing control services, when permitted via tactical coordination with the relevant military agency (ECAO Madrid/Barcelona or Zaragoza APP or Valladolid TWR).
Lateral limits:
423630N 0013800W; 424815N 0010135W;
422900N 0000720E; 422900N 0003245E;
420445N 0003115E; 415500N 0001255E;
423630N 0013800W.
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
413300N 0000650E; 420240N 0010200W;
421750N 0004830W; 415500N 0001250E;
413300N 0000650E.
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
414640N 0002400W; 413300N 0000650E;
411215N 0000120E; 411520N 0003450W;
414640N 0002400W.
Vertical limits:
SFC-2000 ft AGL.
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 423416N 0004339W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5NM radius centred at 415737N 0003241W
Vertical limits:
Note : Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
Circle of radius 5 NM centred at 415156N 0005716W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.The activation will be accomplished through tactical coordination by Zaragoza ATC, in coordination with other military activities in the LED70 area.
Lateral limits:
2.5 NM on each side of the line joining the following coordinates: 415550N 0013700W; 415900N 0011420W; 415452N 0010240W.
Vertical limits:
SFC-2000 ft AGL.
Note: The activation will be accomplished through tactical coordination by Zaragoza ATC, in coordination with other military activities in the LED70 area.
(1) TC: Transit corridor.
Lateral limits:
2.5 NM on each side of the line joining the following coordinates: 420624N 0011613W; 415452N 0010240W.
Vertical limits:
SFC-2000 ft AGL.
Note: The activation will be accomplished through tactical coordination by Zaragoza ATC, in coordination with other military activities in the LED70 area.
Lateral limits:
420200N 0012200W; 421100N 0011000W;
423130N 0013900W; 422000N 0014800W;
420200N 0012200W. (Same coordinates as those defined in AIP- España).
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 421315N 0012879W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
Circle of radius 5 NM centred at 420030N 0013716W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
423630N 0013800W; 421800N 0004820W;
420240N 0010200W; 415300N 0012300W;
413500N 0013410W; 411920N 0011240W;
411530N 0003500W; 411300N 0000630W;
410200N 0012000W; 410200N 0023000W;
411810N 0023000W; 422730N 0014400W;
423630N 0013800W.
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
401900N 0020600W; 410200N 0020600W;
410200N 0012000W; 411400N 0000200E;
404630N 0000700W; 404600N 0004700W;
402500N 0020000W; 401900N 0020600W.
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
404630N 0000700W; 400000N 0002520W;
400000N 0012200W; 401900N 0020600W;
402500N 0020000W; 404600N 0004700W;
404630N 0000700W. (Same coordinates as LED104 TERUEL).
Vertical limits:
Note: Military aircraft operating in the AREA. Air traffic not participating in the exercise with IFR flight plan and destination LETL shall only enter the active area if their current ETA is within +/- 30 minutes of the arrival time previously agreed and approved by Teruel airport operations.
Lateral limits:
404630N 0000700W; 400000N 0002520W;
400000N 0012200W; 401900N 0020600W;
402500N 0020000W; 404600N 0004700W;
404630N 0000700W.
(Same coordinates as LED104 TERUEL.)
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 402415N 0011620W.
Vertical limits:
SFC-FL 130.
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 403630N 0011515W
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 401345N 0014450W.
Vertical limits:
SFC-FL 130.
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
401900N 0020600W; 400000N 0012200W;
394400N 0013300W; 395600N 0022100W;
400500N 0020600W; 401900N 0020600W.
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
394400N 0013300W; 393000N 0014700W;
393000N 0024700W; 395600N 0022100W;
394400N 0013300W.
Vertical limits:
Nota: Coordenadas coincidentes con la LED132, evitando la TMA de Valencia.
Lateral limits:
421015N 0015540W; 413010N 0022157W;
413025N 0030458W; 421026N 0030547W;
421015N 0015540W.
Vertical limits:
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 414915N 0022851W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.
Lateral limits:
420100N 0030600W; 413000N 0030500W;
412900N 0044900W; 415000N 0051700W;
422200N 0045600W; 422100N 0040400W;
420130N 0040300W; 420100N 0030600W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Military aircraft operating in the AREA. Air traffic not participating in the exercise with IFR flight plan and LEVD destination shall only enter the active area if their current ETA is within +/- 30 minutes of the arrival time previously agreed and approved by VALLADOLID/Villanubla airport operations
Lateral limits:
Circle of 5 NM radius centred at 414241N 0045138W.
Vertical limits:
Note: Drop zone for parachute landings and equipment.