AIP Spain

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UAS geographical zones

A UAS geographical zone is a portion of airspace stablished by the competent authority to enable, restrict or exclude UAS operations with the aim to manage the risks to safety, security, privacy, personal or environmental data protection. More information can be found at this DGAC webpage.

As stated on RD 517/2024, ENAIRE is resposible for the distribution of thr UAS geographical zones identified on Spanish sovereign airspace. This page describes de access mechanisms.


Web application offering operators and pilots of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) the UAS geographical zones, so they can plan their operations safely.

Using this application, drone users can plan their flights, and check UAS geographical zones and ALERTS before flying their drone.

ENAIRE Drones presents in a guided and interactive way the relevant elements for drone operation, offering the drone pilot an appropriate vision and comprehension of the environment where the operation will take place, with safety being the key element.


API to query data in a ED-318 compatible format.

Service reference documentation is available here.


Files compatible with the unique digital format stablished in european regulation, in the standard format ED-318: Technical specification for geographical zoes and U-Space data provision and exchange.

10 MB
23-JAN-25 General UAS Geographical Zones of aeronautical origin (AIP).
444 MB
08-AUG-24 General UAS Geographical Zones for environment protection.
113 KB
15-OCT-24 General UAS Geographical Zones for public security and human property protection in urban environments.
95 MB
03-FEB-25 General and particular UAS Geographical Zones for the protection of facilities and infrastructure.