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Supplements are issued with the aim to bring the attention of users to temporary changes of long duration (3 months ore more) as well as additional information with long texto or graphics that affect the information contained in the AIP

There are two types:

Regular Supplement (REGULAR SUP): It is published as long as there is information available and its effective and expiry dates are clearly highlighted in the SUP.

AIRAC Supplement (AIRAC SUP): Includes pre-arranged information of a temporary nature and of operational significance that requires extensive texts and/or explanatory graphics. The AIRAC supplement is published and comes effective in accordance with the Regulated AIRAC System.

NEWSUP 15/25 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Aerodrome with operational limitations.
NEWSUP 14/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC ALBACETE AD (LEAB).- Modification of the civil aircraft apron configuration.
NEWSUP 13/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- "Salguero" Wind Farm under construction.
NEWSUP 12/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within “El Coto” Wind Farm.
NEWSUP 11/25 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 Regular EL HIERRO AD (GCHI).- TWR frequency change from 118.075 MHz to 118.100 MHz.
NEWSUP 10/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- "Monte Becerril" Wind Farm under construction.
NEWSUP 08/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Meteorological tower under construction at wind farm Luceros.
NEWSUP 07/25 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 Regular IBIZA AD (LEIB).- TWY EH closed.
NEWSUP 06/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC MENORCA AD (LEMH).- RWY 01/19 closed due to maintenance outside the airport's operational hours.
NEWSUP 05/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- “ A Ruña II” Win Farm under construction.
NEWSUP 04/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC AIS-ESPAÑA.- European Tactical Airlift Program Course 25-1(ETAP-C 25-1).
NEWSUP 03/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower “EL HITO”.
NEWSUP 02/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower “Los Caños II”.
NEWSUP 01/25 FUTUREWEF 20-FEB-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Mota Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 212/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Aldeavieja Repotenciación Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 211/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Rueda Sur Wind 2 Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 210/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Rueda Sur Wind 3 Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 209/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of two measuring towers within Aldeavieja Wind Farm.
SUP 208/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- “Les Colladetes Ampliación” wind farm under construction.
SUP 207/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR BARCELONA .- “Les Colladetes” wind farm under construction.
SUP 206/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTIAGO/Rosalía de Castro AD (LEST).- Modification of the OCA/H Table for the ILS Z and ILS Y approaches to RWY 17.
SUP 205/24 IN FORCE Regular CASTELLÓN AD (LECH).- Aircraft stand closed.
SUP 204/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within Wind Farm Paldejas.
SUP 203/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC SABADELL AD (LELL).- PRKG 320 y 321 may only be used as stop and star-up areas for fixed-wing aircraft.
SUP 202/24 FUTUREWEF 23-JAN-25 AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Rueda Sur Wind 1 Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 201/24 IN FORCE Regular AIS-ESPAÑA.- Temporary suspension of RNP APCH manoeuvres to published LPV minima at airports in the Canary Islands.
SUP 200/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- “Mondigo” Win Farm under construction.
SUP 199/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Temporary closure of TWY S2.
SUP 198/24 IN FORCE AIRAC MÁLAGA/Costa del Sol AD (LEMG).- Works to replace the declared take-off distances signs from intersections.
SUP 197/24 IN FORCE Regular VIGO AD (LEVX).- Thresholds identification lights systems of runways 01 and 19 unserviceable.
SUP 196/24 IN FORCE Regular ASTURIAS AD (LEAS).- Threshold identification lights system (SLIU) of RWY 11 unserviceable.
SUP 194/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTANDER/Seve Ballesteros-Santander AD (LEXJ).-Cranes installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 193/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Ese wind farm under construction.
SUP 192/24 IN FORCE Regular ALICANTE/Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández AD (LEAL).- Restrictions to GP and DME IAT RWY 10.
SUP 191/24 IN FORCE Regular MENORCA AD (LEMH).- Works on the General Aviation apron
SUP 190/24 IN FORCE Regular MÁLAGA/Costa del Sol AD (LEMG).- Crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 189/24 IN FORCE Regular MENORCA AD (LEMH).- Pavement works on the apron.
SUP 188/24 IN FORCE Regular SAN SEBASTIÁN AD (LESO).- Crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 187/24 IN FORCE AIRAC PALMA DE MALLORCA AD(LEPA/LESJ).- Works to expand Module A and remodel the Terminal and reconfigure aircraft stands in front of the new RFFS North.
SUP 186/24 IN FORCE Regular MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- TWY F4 and the section of TWY F3 between PRKG 258 and TWY F4 will remain closed.
SUP 185/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BILBAO AD (LEBB). - Compliance works for apron lighting.
SUP 184/24 IN FORCE Regular BILBAO AD (LEBB).- Replacement of runway edge lights and guard lights of RWY 10/28.
SUP 183/24 IN FORCE Regular JEREZ AD (LEJR).- Restrictions to the LOC and DME associated to ILS RWY 20 (IJR) of the Jerez airport.
SUP 181/24 IN FORCE AIRAC PALMA DE MALLORCA AD (LEPA/LESJ).- Extension works of Module D.
SUP 180/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- STEV Wind Farm under construction, coordinates corrections.
SUP 179/24 IN FORCE AIRAC CASTELLÓN AD (LECH).- Temporary modification of the operational hours of the aerodrome and of the rescue and fire fighting services, for public use.
SUP 178/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- “San Marcos II” Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 177/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Jerez Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 176/24 IN FORCE Regular SAN SEBASTIÁN AD (LESO).- Crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 173/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- Mareas I Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 171/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Bretoña Wind farm under construction.
SUP 169/24 IN FORCE Regular HUESCA/Pirineos AD (LEHC).- PRKG 1 availability.
SUP 168/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- Santa Cruz IV Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 167/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- “Los Tramposos” Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 166/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- El Oliado Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 165/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- 50 per cent CL TWY L9-L14 lights out of service.
SUP 164/24 IN FORCE Regular TENERIFE NORTE/Ciudad de la Laguna AD (GCXO).- RWY 30 approach lighting system.
SUP 163/24 IN FORCE Regular MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- Actions on taxiways associated with RWY 14R/32L.
SUP 162/24 IN FORCE AIRAC TENERIFE NORTE/Ciudad de la Laguna AD (GCXO).- Temporary unavailability of DVOR/DME LRO.
SUP 161/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR CANARIAS.- Instalation of Finca San Juan Wind Farm.
SUP 160/24 IN FORCE AIRAC ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Works for drainage adaptation at the manoeuvring area.
SUP 159/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Padornelo 3 Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 158/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Aciberos Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 157/24 IN FORCE AIRAC AIS-ESPAÑA.- RPAS flights by Nordic Unmanned in Golfo de Cádiz.
SUP 156/24 IN FORCE AIRAC JEREZ AD (LEJR).- Works for the compliance of RWY 02/20 pavement.
SUP 155/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTIAGO/Rosalía de Castro AD (LEST).- Compliance works for apron lighting.
SUP 153/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTANDER/Seve Ballesteros-Santander AD (LEXJ).– Declared Distances.
SUP 152/24 IN FORCE Regular MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- Resurfacing and lighting works on TWY M33-M34.
SUP 150/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- 50 per cent CL TWY M7-M6 lights out of service.
SUP 149/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- 50 per cent CL TWY CN lights out of service.
SUP 148/24 IN FORCE Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Communications failure circuit not available (VAC 1).
SUP 147/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Dama de Baza Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 145/24 IN FORCE Regular MADRID/Cuatro Vientos AD (LECU/LEVS).- Cranes installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 144/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Temporary unavailability of surface movement radar (SMR) installed in TWR-ESTE.
SUP 142/24 IN FORCE Regular VALLADOLID/Villanubla AD (LEVD).- RWY 14/32 width reduced.
SUP 141/24 IN FORCE AIRAC GRAN CANARIA AD (GCLP).- Works at the access points to the thresholds of RWY 03L and 03R.
SUP 140/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Installation of a wind measuring tower within Farelo Wind Farm.
SUP 139/24 IN FORCE AIRAC MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- Resurfacing of RWY 14R/32L and its associated taxiways.
SUP 137/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Pavement renewal and compliance for TWY E and D.
SUP 135/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR BARCELONA.- Erection of tower cranes.
SUP 134/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Iglesias Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 132/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BILBAO AD (LEBB).- Remodelling of markings apron.
SUP 131/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Santos de la Piedra Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 130/24 IN FORCE AIRAC REUS AD (LERS).- Works to improve load bearing capacity on apron for PRKG 1 to 7 and on TWY T0, T1 and T2.
SUP 128/24 IN FORCE AIRAC A CORUÑA AD (LECO).- MSG crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 126/24 IN FORCE AIRAC MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- Restrictions to RWY 32L LOC and DME MAA.
SUP 125/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Monte Tourado Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 124/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Jubera II Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 123/24 IN FORCE Regular SAN SEBASTIÁN AD (LESO).- Crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 122/24 IN FORCE AIRAC SANTANDER/Seve Ballesteros-Santander AD (LEXJ). -Restrictions to ILS STA RWY 29.
SUP 121/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Mota Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 120/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- La Paul Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 119/24 IN FORCE Regular REUS AD (LERS).- Crane installed inside ATZ REUS.
SUP 118/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- San Roque Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 116/24 IN FORCE Regular SEVILLA AD (LEZL).- Fix crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 115/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Cascante II Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 114/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Taxiing restrictions to aircraft code letter F on TWY Q9, Q10 and Q11.
SUP 113/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Airas Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 111/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Mudarra Norte Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 110/24 IN FORCE Regular TENERIFE NORTE/Ciudad de la Laguna AD (GCXO).- Electrical improvement works II.
SUP 109/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Cerro Cabello Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 108/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of meteorological towers at Cerrato VI Wind Farm.
SUP 107/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Cerrato VI Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 106/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within Tierra de Campos 3 Wind Farm.
SUP 105/24 IN FORCE AIRAC Algeciras HLP (LEAG).- El Patrón Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 104/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Acibal Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 102/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Wind turbines of the Cavadilla Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 101/24 IN FORCE Regular AIS ESPAÑA.- Recommendation to flights over Afghanistan.
SUP 99/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Cranes installed in thevicinity of the airport.
SUP 97/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Torrecilla Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 96/24 IN FORCE AIRAC LANZAROTE/César Manrique AD (GCRR).- Lighting Improvement Works.
SUP 95/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Wind turbines and one meteorological tower of Encina Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 91/24 IN FORCE AIRAC MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- Resurfacing and lighting works on TWY X4 and X5.
SUP 87/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTIAGO/Rosalía de Castro AD (LEST).- Refurbishment for runway margins, taxiways and slopes in RESA and installation of centre line lighting for 180º turn on threshold RWY 35.
SUP 86/24 IN FORCE Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 84/24 IN FORCE AIRAC TENERIFE NORTE/Ciudad de la Laguna AD (GCXO).- Works to reconfigure the apron.
SUP 83/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTIAGO/Rosalía de Castro AD (LEST).- Manoeuvres for entering and exiting PRKG A6, A7 and A8.
SUP 82/24 !See alerts IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within El Valle Wind Farm.
SUP 81/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within Wind Farm La Arenica.
SUP 80/24 IN FORCE Regular SAN SEBASTIÁN AD (LESO).- Crane installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 79/24 IN FORCE Regular IBIZA AD (LEIB).- Towed exits from PRKG 25, 27 and 28.
SUP 78/24 IN FORCE Regular SANTIAGO/Rosalía de Castro AD (LEST).- Refuelling unavailable.
SUP 76/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- New standard instrument departures RNAV1 for RWY 24L.
SUP 74/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- DVOR PRA obstacle lights out of service.
SUP 73/24 IN FORCE Regular CIUDAD REAL AD (LERL).- Closure of TWY E2 and TWY T between Gate B and TWY E3.
SUP 72/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- DVOR BCN obstacle lights out of service.
SUP 71/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- Mareas II Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 66/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Canteras III Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 64/24 IN FORCE AIRAC SANTIAGO/Rosalía de Castro AD (LEST).- RWY 35 approach lighting system (ALS) switched on in provisional configuration.
SUP 63/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Jubera Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 61/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Ventumelo wind farm under construction.
SUP 60/24 !See alerts IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- San Cebrián Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 59/24 IN FORCE Regular VALENCIA AD (LEVC).- Perpendicular slope compliance works on levelled strip.
SUP 58/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Treboada wind farm under construction.
SUP 55/24 IN FORCE Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- RPAS operations.
SUP 53/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Páramo de Sardón Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 52/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Valdemoré II Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 51/24 IN FORCE AIRAC ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Availability of facilities and services.
SUP 50/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Páramo de Barril Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 47/24 IN FORCE Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Instrument approach chart IAC/10 TACAN RWY 30R from IAF YARZU not usable.
SUP 46/24 IN FORCE AIRAC MADRID/Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas AD (LEMD).- RWY 14R/32L pipe bank execution.
SUP 44/24 IN FORCE Regular FIR MADRID.- Possible limited radio VHF/UHF coverage in the northeastern part of the area of responsibility ECAO SEVILLA.
SUP 43/24 IN FORCE Regular MADRID/Cuatro Vientos AD (LECU/LEVS).- Secondary power supply.
SUP 42/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of wind turbines and measurement towers at La Cernégula Wind Farm.
SUP 41/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Páramo de la Mesuca Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 38/24 IN FORCE Regular TENERIFE NORTE/Ciudad de La Laguna AD (GCXO).- Intermediate holding positions R1 and R2 unserviceable.
SUP 36/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- El Campillo Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 35/24 IN FORCE Regular FUERTEVENTURA AD (GCFV).- Stands unavailable.
SUP 33/24 IN FORCE AIRAC VIGO AD (LEVX).- Works in the movement area of Vigo airport .
SUP 32/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within La Laguna Wind Farm.
SUP 29/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Muela I - Santiuste wind farm under construction.
SUP 27/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Las Cerradas Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 25/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BADAJOZ/Talavera La Real AD (LEBZ).- Right wing bar of VASIS RWY 31 out of service.
SUP 24/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Installation of double circuit on essential taxiways.
SUP 23/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Residential tower under construction and installation of tower cranes in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 21/24 IN FORCE AIRAC BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- Renovation of systems and weather observation sites.
SUP 19/24 IN FORCE Regular BARCELONA/Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat AD (LEBL).- APAPI FATO 09 out of service.
SUP 18/24 IN FORCE AIRAC ANDORRA-LA SEU D’URGELL AD (LESU).- Modification to operational hours for restricted use of the aerodrome.
SUP 17/24 IN FORCE AIRAC AIS ESPAÑA.- Military invasion of Ukraine by Russian Federation.
SUP 14/24 !See alerts IN FORCE Regular IBIZA AD (LEIB).- TWY EH closed.
SUP 10/24 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Meteorological tower under construction.
SUP 09/24 IN FORCE Regular GRAN CANARIA AD (GCLP).- Restrictions in the manoeuvring area.
SUP 08/24 IN FORCE Regular MURCIA/San Javier AD (LELC).- Floodlighting poles obstacles lights in civil and military aprons out of service.
SUP 02/24 IN FORCE Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Instrument approach chart IAC/4 TACAN RWY 12R not usable.
SUP 01/24 IN FORCE Regular ZARAGOZA AD (LEZG).- Arresting system withdrawn.
SUP 198/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within Encina Wind Farm.
SUP 197/23 IN FORCE Regular REUS AD (LERS).- Fuelling service available.
SUP 195/23 !See alerts IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Installation of a measuring tower within El Calero Wind Farm.
SUP 193/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Las Atalayas Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 192/23 IN FORCE Regular SEVILLA/Morón AD (LEMO).- GCA Movement Target Indicator (MTI) U/S.
SUP 190/23 IN FORCE Regular SEVILLA/Morón AD (LEMO).- VOR/DME MRN unmonitored.
SUP 181/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Las Sardas Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 178/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Canteras II Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 177/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Canteras I Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 172/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Valverde Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 149/23 IN FORCE Regular MADRID/Getafe AD (LEGT).- Cranes in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 136/23 IN FORCE AIRAC VALENCIA AD (LEVC).- Installation of mega towers on south apron and auxiliary installations area.
SUP 111/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- Santa Cruz III Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 109/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- San Isidro Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 106/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR BARCELONA.- San Isidro II Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 91/23 IN FORCE Regular GRANADA/Armilla AD (LEGA).- RWY 36 PAPI unserviceable.
SUP 74/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Valdehierro Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 73/23 !See alerts IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Guindalera Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 63/23 IN FORCE AIRAC TENERIFE NORTE/Ciudad de La Laguna AD (GCXO).- Several actions on the airfield.
SUP 36/23 !See alerts IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- La Pinta Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 17/23 IN FORCE Regular PALMA DE MALLORCA AD (LEPA/LESJ).- Aircraft rescue military crane out of service.
SUP 14/23 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Buniel Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 193/22 IN FORCE AIRAC MÁLAGA/Costa del Sol AD (LEMG).- Construction of two housing towers and installation of four tower cranes in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 117/22 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Wind farm Polux under construction.
SUP 110/22 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- “San Bartolomé I” Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 91/22 IN FORCE AIRAC FIR MADRID.- Antonio Valverde Wind Farm under construction.
SUP 70/22 IN FORCE Regular SABADELL AD (LELL).- Cranes installed in the vicinity of the airport.
SUP 38/21 IN FORCE Regular LEÓN AD.- Closed or out of service facilities.
SUP 152/20 IN FORCE Regular MADRID FIR.- Transit Corridor established.
SUP 89/20 IN FORCE Regular CANARIAS FIR.- Communications tower obstacle marker out of service.